Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Merry Christmas

Writing this a little late but Merry Christmas all!  It's been a zoo around here, hence the lateness.  With divorced parents does the number of Christmas' you celebrate have to double?  It our case, yes!  The kids have once again gotten more crap than they can use, and yes a lot of it is crap.  I was wondering why the kids didn't seem to be as excited as I use to be about Christmas.....then I remembered they're spoiled.  I don't mean a bratty, gimme, not doing what we're told kinda way.  I have really good, helpful (as much as she can be at 2yrs) children.  I mean more in the way of they already have EVERYTHING they could ever possibly need and most of the things they want.  My house is littered with objects that they use sporadically and now we have more.  I'm tempted to box up some of the junkier toys they got and take them straight to donation without passing go (opening them.  But somehow that seems wrong as they were gifts, from loving people, with good intentions.  I just don't know how much more crap around here I can take, I mean crap that isn't mine, because my crap it just fine where it's at....don't touch it or I'll break your arm!

Anyway......   Merry Christmas!!!!

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